About Pierce County Prayer Breakfast
What We Believe
In one God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit Creator of all things. That the Lord Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, was crucified, resurrected and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. The Bible to be the inspired Word of God and the rule of faith and conduct. In personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. In evangelization in accordance with the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) That in this world, God's work is the work of all believers.

What We Do
The first Prayer Breakfast began in 1979 as the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. Mike Parker, Mayor of Tacoma contacted Glenn Ash, founding member of the Greater Tacoma Christian Laymen's Outreach (GTCLO) seeking operational help. Later, Glenn Ash and other GTCLO trustees approached the Mayor and suggested they take the politics out of the event to ensure long term sustainability. Mayor Parker was delighted and agreed. “With God's blessing and guidance we built a legacy over the years,” said Glenn Ash. Glenn Ash lives in Prescott, Arizona today with his wife Mary but still manages to make it back to Tacoma every year showing his support. In 1979, the first speaker was Josh McDowell. The stories of past guest speakers and their transformations are heartwarming. Charles Colson's Watergate experience to building the “Prison Fellowship Ministry” in 1982 touched many hearts. Along the way people like Dr. Billy Graham, Elizabeth Dole, Tom Flick, Luci Swindol, NFL Great Bill Glass, and Montana's 21st Governor Judy Martz and many others have graced us with their very dear and personal stories.
From Dick Beardsley's incredible survival leading up to his heroic Boston Marathon Race to 2008's speaker Steve Bell choosing God over bankruptcy and dedicating his life to the Kingdom of God and challenging us all to help those in need, the Pierce Country Prayer Breakfast is a Biblical legacy. In 2009, very early in the morning Stephen Baldwin will give his personal testimony on how God called him to lead the nation's youth to Jesus Christ. 2010 Speaker Former major leaguer Bobby Richardson now speaks the word of God, traveling across the country to deliver the gospel to thousands. When he was playing, Richardson WAS a god – at least as far as Yankee fans were concerned, especially in World Series play.
Greater Tacoma Christian Laymen’s Outreach Board Members
Keith Beasinger, Chairman
Drew Harris, Treasurer
Tom Jacobs, Secretary
Aaron Eleazer
Paul Wageman
Gil teobaldo
Dean Johnson
Leanne Noren
Doug L. Carlson
Marc Gauthier